All posts by admin

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Nut butter energy bites

Here's one of the snacks in my 12 week Nutrition & Training program. It's a recipe for delicious nut butter energy b

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The best goddamn homemade granola ever

Here’s my favourite recipe for homemade granola. I make a big batch that lasts me for 2 weeks at a time stored in the

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Overnight Chia Fruit Pots

Here’s the recipe for my overnight chia fruit pots layered with caramelised figs, strawberries and blackberries.  I b

Thai fish curry
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Spicy Thai fish curry with rice noodles

Here is a yummy recipe for spicy Thai fish curry that I cooked last night. I based mine off of the one from www.delic

Exercise Bulimia
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Exercise bulimia: the new eating disorder

Did you know there are other eating disorders that can be a lot more subtle and less talked about than the bigger, more

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Baked Moroccan Lemon Chicken

Here's a chicken dish I made last night. It's my go-to recipe for baked Moroccan lemon chicken. I love making this bec

Spicy Tahini Dressing
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Spicy Tahini Dressing

Here's my favourite tahini dressing recipe. This dressing is very tasty & verstile. You can serve it with rice, c