Category Archives: ditch the scale

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Why you don’t need to throw away your scale

Guess what!? I’m not here to tell you that weighing yourself is bad. ??‍♀️ Or that you should throw away your sc

body image | counting macros | ditch the scale | eating disorder | fat loss | Favourites | Featured | food disorders | food obsession | if it fits your macros | macros | meal prep | measuring progress | Mindset | Nutrition | popular | self worth | stubborn fat | Training | weight loss |

17 Things About Training, Nutrition & Life

To bring in the New Year, and say goodbye to 2017, I wrote a blog post! Here are 17 things about training & recovery

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How to stop a binge eating cycle in its tracks

When it comes to diet and training we need to remove the pressure to always be good and do the right thing. Be ok with a

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When moderation becomes an excuse for continuing bad habits

Yesterday I received an email from a client in which was talking about being unable to have “moderation” with someth

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Meal & snack ideas to help prevent cravings, binging and overeating

Here are some of my favorite healthy convenience meals and snacks that take very little time to prepare. These can be ea

body image | ditch the scale | eating disorder | fat loss | Favourites | Featured | food disorders | food obsession | measuring progress | Mindset | Nutrition | popular | self worth |

What is perfect health??

When it comes to health and fitness there is no one shoe fits all. It’s not a particular weight, a particular diet or

body image | ditch the scale | eating disorder | fat loss | Favourites | Featured | food disorders | food obsession | meal prep | Nutrition | popular | post workout | post workout nutrition | protein shake | stubborn fat | Training | weight gain | weight loss |

How to get rid of stubborn fat, part 2: The practical stuff

In part 1 of this little series we discussed a bit about the science of stubborn fat & the different types of fat. I