Category Archives: Featured

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Hydration tips for endurance athletes & longer workouts/races/runs

I have a couple nutrition clients who are endurance athletes/triathletes/runners etc and we have worked together to get

Favourites | Featured | food obsession | meal prep | popular | post workout nutrition | Recipes | vegan | vegan recipe | vegetarian | vegetarian recipe |

Date caramel truffles

Here is the recipe for my delicious date caramel peanut-butter truffles. They are made with all natural ingredients and

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Sweet potato hashbrowns

Here is the sweet potato hashbrown recipe that I posted on my instagram the other night when I made hashbrown burgers.

body image | Favourites | Featured | measuring progress | Mindset | popular | self worth |

On getting out of our comfort zones

This year so far has been a rollercoaster ride for me, in a good way! At the start of the year I was only just dipping m

Favourites | Featured | food disorders | food obsession | meal prep | popular | post workout | post workout nutrition | protein shake | Recipes |

Healthy chocolate brownies

These brownies are pretty awesome. They are high in protein & made with sweet potato. Even though it's probably hard

body image | Favourites | Featured | food disorders | food obsession | meal prep | measuring progress | Nutrition | popular | post workout nutrition | salad | weight gain | weight loss |

What should you eat after you train?

You often hear about the importance of post workout nutrition and that "anabolic window" where all your gains happen. Bu

body image | eating disorder | Favourites | Featured | food obsession | meal prep | measuring progress | Mindset | Nutrition | popular | vegan | vegetarian | weight gain | weight loss |

Practical diet tips for shift workers

I have had quite a few nutrition clients who do night shifts and/or 12 hour shifts, i.e. flight attendants, cops, emerge

Favourites | Featured | measuring progress | popular | Training | weight gain | weight loss |

10 things I have learned from being a CrossFit coach

1) You do not need to PR everyday, Training and testing are two different things. 2) Do the strength work and percent