Category Archives: eating disorder

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How to get rid of stubborn fat, part 2: The practical stuff

In part 1 of this little series we discussed a bit about the science of stubborn fat & the different types of fat. I

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How to get rid of stubborn fat, part 1: The science-y stuff

If you want to know how to burn stubborn fat, you first have to understand a few key points. Stubborn fat is not the sam

eating disorder | Favourites | Featured | food obsession | meal prep | popular | Recipes |

Beef rendang

I made this recipe last week. I used this recipe as a base and I changed it around a little bit. It turned out so delici

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Hydration tips for endurance athletes & longer workouts/races/runs

I have a couple nutrition clients who are endurance athletes/triathletes/runners etc and we have worked together to get

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Practical diet tips for shift workers

I have had quite a few nutrition clients who do night shifts and/or 12 hour shifts, i.e. flight attendants, cops, emerge

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Want to stop emotional eating? Learn to make friends with your feelings

  Since working with so many nutrition clients and realising just how big of a problem emotional eating is for a

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My favourite go-to muesli bar recipe

I cooked my favourite muesli bars again tonight aaaand here is the recipe for you! These bars are not only delicious an

Exercise Bulimia
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Exercise bulimia: the new eating disorder

Did you know there are other eating disorders that can be a lot more subtle and less talked about than the bigger, more