Category Archives: post workout

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When moderation becomes an excuse for continuing bad habits

Yesterday I received an email from a client in which was talking about being unable to have “moderation” with someth

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Meal & snack ideas to help prevent cravings, binging and overeating

Here are some of my favorite healthy convenience meals and snacks that take very little time to prepare. These can be ea

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Delicious zucchini and carrot fritters

This is a healthy, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan friendly recipe for zucchini and carrot fritters. I have included

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Nutrition tips and ideas for tradesmen

Tradesmen have incredibly active days! I know a lot of tradies who come to the gym where I coach, & I hear a lot abo

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How to get rid of stubborn fat, part 2: The practical stuff

In part 1 of this little series we discussed a bit about the science of stubborn fat & the different types of fat. I

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How to get rid of stubborn fat, part 1: The science-y stuff

If you want to know how to burn stubborn fat, you first have to understand a few key points. Stubborn fat is not the sam

eating disorder | Favourites | Featured | meal prep | measuring progress | Nutrition | popular | post workout | protein shake | vegan | vegan recipe | vegetarian |

Hydration tips for endurance athletes & longer workouts/races/runs

I have a couple nutrition clients who are endurance athletes/triathletes/runners etc and we have worked together to get

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Healthy chocolate brownies

These brownies are pretty awesome. They are high in protein & made with sweet potato. Even though it's probably hard